
Sunday 9 September 2012

Virtual Literature Circles

After talking to some colleagues about integrating technology into their reading program, I decided to explore blogs, wikis and literature circles. First I explored the idea of using Weebly; however, I didn't like the idea that students could make up fake names and emails to comment on our blog. I then explored PBworks which my school has used in the past. PBworks is a free easy to use wikispace. 

After exploring PBworks, I finally decided to create a sample Virtual Literature Circles wiki to learn more about how I could collaborate with classroom teachers and implement them into classrooms' reading program. To help me create my sample wiki, I wiki hopped and read through the book called Teaching with Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts & More: Dozens of Easy Ideas for Using Technology to Get Kids Excited About Learning by Kathleen Fitzgibbon and the book Literature Circles The Way to Go and How to Get There by Teacher Created Resources. Click on the screenshot to visit my sample Virtual Literature Circles wiki.

I feel that this is a great Web 2.0 tool to utilize in the classroom. I look forward to introducing this tool to the teachers at my school. I would love to hear about how you are using a wiki in your classroom. 

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