
Saturday 18 August 2012

Build a Rockin’ Library Volunteer Program

The other day I attended another free webinar called How to Build a Rockin’ Volunteer Program, presented by Michelle Luhtala, Head Librarian, New Canaan High School. I found the webinar on the  The purpose of this webinar was to assist librarians in getting more work done in less time by utilizing parent and student volunteers. Michelle Luhtala shared with us the importance of having a volunteer program and what her volunteer program looks like at New Canaan High School by sharing with us the New Cannan High School Library Volunteer website.
At the start of the webinar Michelle recommended two great reads. The article A Tale of Two Students and the book Growing Schools: Librarians as Professional Developers. Michelle ended the webinar by talking about workflow. She mentioned how to organize the loads of information teacher-libraians receive using various tools such as: FlipboardPearltreesIFTT, and Evernote.
Click HERE if you’d like to check out the recording of the webinar.

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